[This article was published at the Unars magazine; Students Press Agency of Abdurahman Saleh University—as cultural rubric, written by Mohammad AW /Adi de Nawar.]
A month ago (25/01/2009), when I attend cultural event, with Romo Yudi and Romo Agustinus Lie, at the "China New Year 2560," also people who meet Christians, at Sari Utama restaurant, Jember, East Java. There’s something impression message needs to know reflected at a foreign culture (Tiong-Hoa/Konghucu), which is the archipelago have cultural diversity. On the other hand, kinds of culture, we have not separated from the role of ethnic pluralities, classes and races, can not be denied, personal regardless—somehow differences in the faith-belief, race, race, etc.—culture is one of the elements (terms) of development and build a civilization country, that’s able to build respectability, solidarity, integrity. Despite our (more) culture have arbitration and erosion. Ironically, the various elements of society do not realize it. Of course, about culture have some glorious reflection, it is capable of bringing behave enlightenment (aufklarung) in a certain attitude and its fundamental constructing principle of value-humanism. As well as, the contention of the sociologist: Allport, Vernon, Lindzey, in Studies of Values (1951), which identifies the six basic values in the culture: the value theory (gist), economic, aesthetic, social, political, and religious. But modernism has many intoxicated, even blind, (re) generation of the nation. For example, the local language (Madura/Java) is to be 'alien' for the urban populated, while the foreign language (English/Arabic) even became the idol, pride. Not excluded by the role pedagogical vandalistic of culture, itself, with local lessons is denied (local language), but not mean—we (re)generation should decline as a foreign language (function) is the language of media universe. Ironically, the younger generation has no nation of the culture, because west-culture has been sporadic (trend-mode) through mass media, massifs. Modernism often months buzzed by the youth (in) as the event—interaction—cultural of present, to a born 'katrok' (conservative); called for young people ancient—which is still subject to culture. The opening results of research on the Indonesian society is up to date, including from: Hans-Dieter Ever (2000), Robert Hefner (1999, 2002), Niels Mulder (1999, 2000), Donald K. Emerson (2000), Hans Antlov (2000), Hens Schulte (2002), James Siegel (2001), appeared to have diffuseness in our culture, caused by factors individualist, materialist and capitalist, the eliminated-unity and aspirations will bear polarity. In fact, the looseness manifestation cultural, ignorance of quintessence by a culture. And only in-cultural a (to) culture (an) will remain tenacious (solid).
In-cultural Religion
At event, Romo Agustinus deliberately, in-cultural themes in the worship of the Christians—Tiong Hoa—, Misa Imlek, as place for implementation. Where a culture be exalted. However, a culture does not appear to be noble when implements (men) do not have the decency, benevolence, righteousness, agility and good heart, all that is known as "The Essence of Ren." If the teachings of Islam better known by the term al-insal bil akhlaqul karimah (see QS. al-Baqorah: 83, al-Furqon: 72, an-Nuur: 33, an-Nisaa ': 105). Term or the more we know, for indigenous people, is' tatakrama '. Indeed, such in-cultural which run through religion is often labeled as the left (the devil), especially by the fanaticism and orthodoxy. A few samples, such as ritual ' sea-quotation ', (petik laut) which became a tradition for the coast or a person living as fishermen, ritual is considered the polytheist, deviationist, even paganisms (unbelievers). Indeed any, of such assumptions is a shallow/blind, and for fanaticism orthodoxy. If we are able to construct ritualize, mediation is not another human being with the universe, even with the creator. Although those rituals do not know about the essence. So modernism should be able to produce, such constructing for next regeneration of this nation so that it is able to maintain a culture, because culture itself is a shirt for humans; as characteristically moment. However, controlling in-cultural of confidence (faith), which is religion, even though the teachings, the birth of conservatism. According Supomo, conservative (ism) views of a culture was formed by the teachings of Islam at that time and the education system is covered by Dutch Victorian system. Likely, when the Law on Pornography collided with a diverse culture: down to the middle class (rural), which is not of education, culture and indigenous endangered. As in Bali, Hirschfeld found, without exception, female adults and adolescents be naked chest to navel, while the small-naked women. Dr. Kruse, Germany doctors, practiced in Bali, only the prostitutes are close to their chest hair and a sense of entrap men although opinion is necessary for further test accuracy. Also, in addition, many cultures of this nation and the literature concerning a sexual activity, attitude openness towards sexuality that is also visible from traditional arts community that can still be witnessed at this time. Tayub, ronggeng, dombret, jaipong, kecak, etc. that erotic movements hip exploited, (fruit) chest, and clearly visible buttocks.
The Cultural Essence of Collision
The difference of attitudes toward cultural essence can not be a similarity in attitude, at archipelago is a diverse culture. Moreover, with the essence of culture is able to bring two citadel; conservative and moderate, as values, norms, understanding (epistemology) constructed in culture. And do not immediately call (energizer culture) with degradation jargons; morality and confidence. But needing for those of special cultural, pedagogical, activists, students and even the whole society, the ontology’s, epistemologies and so capable axiological project themselves as a "culture of community." A little excerpting of Ibn Rushd, if you want to feel sweet dates, do not see merely, but taste and feel it. So that, I deliberately overlooking the word "Guónián" (as the title), that means long years have passed, but not a mere ornament or bugbear the past, but as a contemplation on the existence (self). Which, the past is the embryo (early up) a historical civilization. And as humans, the past is a very valuable lesson. Analogically, culture able to represent past civilization (of life) to the life at this time, forwarding serve such a light in the life at this time. With in-cultural on science and religion-confidence, era of modernism, will be able to overcome depressed our cultural, at this time. Moreover, the heart of globalization (United States) has been cast out, even silent throughout the country in the world, local pop culture / traditional programs through American television, music, food, and dressing, films, such as the United States disclosed critics; Fredkie Jameson (2008). So, as parent, it is able to preserve the abundance culture of mother reveal. Save my words, any form of in-cultural, although the cultural collision, not a demon is capable of totally ruined morality and integrity of the nation, but a glass that is able to catch the reflection of ourselves. The communities are able to project themselves in accidental, as caliph (leader) who always keeps a peace of God on earth. ***
In-cultural Religion
At event, Romo Agustinus deliberately, in-cultural themes in the worship of the Christians—Tiong Hoa—, Misa Imlek, as place for implementation. Where a culture be exalted. However, a culture does not appear to be noble when implements (men) do not have the decency, benevolence, righteousness, agility and good heart, all that is known as "The Essence of Ren." If the teachings of Islam better known by the term al-insal bil akhlaqul karimah (see QS. al-Baqorah: 83, al-Furqon: 72, an-Nuur: 33, an-Nisaa ': 105). Term or the more we know, for indigenous people, is' tatakrama '. Indeed, such in-cultural which run through religion is often labeled as the left (the devil), especially by the fanaticism and orthodoxy. A few samples, such as ritual ' sea-quotation ', (petik laut) which became a tradition for the coast or a person living as fishermen, ritual is considered the polytheist, deviationist, even paganisms (unbelievers). Indeed any, of such assumptions is a shallow/blind, and for fanaticism orthodoxy. If we are able to construct ritualize, mediation is not another human being with the universe, even with the creator. Although those rituals do not know about the essence. So modernism should be able to produce, such constructing for next regeneration of this nation so that it is able to maintain a culture, because culture itself is a shirt for humans; as characteristically moment. However, controlling in-cultural of confidence (faith), which is religion, even though the teachings, the birth of conservatism. According Supomo, conservative (ism) views of a culture was formed by the teachings of Islam at that time and the education system is covered by Dutch Victorian system. Likely, when the Law on Pornography collided with a diverse culture: down to the middle class (rural), which is not of education, culture and indigenous endangered. As in Bali, Hirschfeld found, without exception, female adults and adolescents be naked chest to navel, while the small-naked women. Dr. Kruse, Germany doctors, practiced in Bali, only the prostitutes are close to their chest hair and a sense of entrap men although opinion is necessary for further test accuracy. Also, in addition, many cultures of this nation and the literature concerning a sexual activity, attitude openness towards sexuality that is also visible from traditional arts community that can still be witnessed at this time. Tayub, ronggeng, dombret, jaipong, kecak, etc. that erotic movements hip exploited, (fruit) chest, and clearly visible buttocks.
The Cultural Essence of Collision
The difference of attitudes toward cultural essence can not be a similarity in attitude, at archipelago is a diverse culture. Moreover, with the essence of culture is able to bring two citadel; conservative and moderate, as values, norms, understanding (epistemology) constructed in culture. And do not immediately call (energizer culture) with degradation jargons; morality and confidence. But needing for those of special cultural, pedagogical, activists, students and even the whole society, the ontology’s, epistemologies and so capable axiological project themselves as a "culture of community." A little excerpting of Ibn Rushd, if you want to feel sweet dates, do not see merely, but taste and feel it. So that, I deliberately overlooking the word "Guónián" (as the title), that means long years have passed, but not a mere ornament or bugbear the past, but as a contemplation on the existence (self). Which, the past is the embryo (early up) a historical civilization. And as humans, the past is a very valuable lesson. Analogically, culture able to represent past civilization (of life) to the life at this time, forwarding serve such a light in the life at this time. With in-cultural on science and religion-confidence, era of modernism, will be able to overcome depressed our cultural, at this time. Moreover, the heart of globalization (United States) has been cast out, even silent throughout the country in the world, local pop culture / traditional programs through American television, music, food, and dressing, films, such as the United States disclosed critics; Fredkie Jameson (2008). So, as parent, it is able to preserve the abundance culture of mother reveal. Save my words, any form of in-cultural, although the cultural collision, not a demon is capable of totally ruined morality and integrity of the nation, but a glass that is able to catch the reflection of ourselves. The communities are able to project themselves in accidental, as caliph (leader) who always keeps a peace of God on earth. ***